Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Small mythical creatures

So I love fairies. I don't know why... I just know I do. As far as I know, fairies were first made real to the public in 1917 with the famous story of the Cottingley fairies. They were exploited by the mother and aunty to little girls, Elsie and Frances. The girls claimed that they captured images of real life fairies at the bottom of the garden with their father and uncle' camera. Elsie and Frances persisted that the photo's were genuine, even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle took an interest in the girls and their fascinating story. In 1981 however, Elsie and Frances by then old aged women, confessed!!! They confessed that the photo's were fake! This I believe was a confession of force. They claimed that they made most of the fairies from paper cut-outs and hat pins. However insisted that they had in fact seen real life fairies and that one of the photographs were genuinely real.

I have a huge collection of ornamental fairies. Some of those being - Tinkerbell. One Tinkerbell I have, is, hand whittled by an artist called Jim Shore.

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